One Workspace with 30+ AI models, Collaborative Mode, and Templates Library for tutors and students. Dalle-3, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion XL, Dreambooth, GPT-4, and more networks one click away.
60+ world awards
Teach and Practice Generative AI
Emmy-nominated team

One Workspace with 30+ AI models, Collaborative Mode, and Templates Library for tutors and students. Dalle-3, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion XL, Dreambooth, GPT-4, and more networks one click away.
60+ world awards
Teach and Practice Generative AI
Emmy-nominated team
One workspace to teach, learn, and practice Generative AI
  • Save $1000+ per Student
    Cut the licensing costs with 1 access to 30+ AI models
  • Control AI models Subscriptions
    Grant and withdraw access individually based on the course schedule
  • Teach crucial AI Skills
    Training am AI model, generating in separate AI models, or combined
  • Enroll students from 8 to 88
    Create Generative AI for any age with the most intuitive interface
  • Guide with a Collaborative Mode
    Prompt in real-time with your class for complex generation
  • Elevate Completion and LTV Rates
    Create and conduct the most engaging learning flow
  • Share Ready-to-Use Generation Pipelines
    Design sequences of AI models for multi-step generations

Courses on Phygital+

Top-of-the art masters from graphic design / motion / video / marketing industry
Have an AI Generative course in mind to create?
You agree to our Terms and Conditions
Ready to build your next Generative AI course?
Phygital+ is an AI workspace for art, design, tech, and Web3 startups and creators. No code, no hardware, 20+ Neural Networks, limitless creativity.

Contacts:, 007993605-51-42
Phygital+ AI Tool